Go fic series [CoT] now complete:

Feb 13, 2019 22:20

Title: Where We Start

Characters & Pairings: Aziraphale/Crowley, Ensemble Cast (canon + OCs)

Rating: M / E (kind of borderline, to be honest)

Word Count: 23,000 words in this final installment; 275,000 across series

Notes: This story clocks in as #75 on CoT ’Verse, and it’s the finale I’ve been hoping to reach for the past several of the leisurely 14 years I’ve spent writing this series.  While many of the flashback installments over time can be read as stand-alones out of context, this final story cannot be read in isolation from the parts that precede it.  All threads unresolved, past and present, find resolution here; events and references from earlier in the series are deeply relevant.  If you’re a longtime reader and haven’t had the chance to catch up on recent additions, it might be wise to do so leading up to the reading of this.  If you’re a brand-new reader, welcome; you’ll get to read this series in its entirety with no unpredictable and / or lengthy waits between stories.  Sincerest thanks to those who have stuck with me so patiently since the beginning.

Happy Valentine’s Day, GO fandom.  This has been and always will be my love-letter to you.
(Read it @ AO3)


“D’you realize,” [Crowley] said, “that we never tire of things humans get bored with on the regular?”

Aziraphale shrugged, lazily basking. “I’ve always assumed it’s that we don’t tire of each other.”

ensemble cast, #75, aziraphale/crowley, fic

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