Title: Nightingale and Thrush
Fandom: Good Omens
Pairing & Characters: Aziraphale/Crowley, Shadwell/Tracy, Newt/Anathema, Adam
Rating: PG-13 (this is technically pre-slash; see Notes below)
Notes: The date of 26 August 1990, the day on which the final scenes of the novel (and also this story) are set, has been fixed using two factors: one, the novel was published in 1990 and is thus taken by myself and most GO fans to be happening in that same year, and, two, the paintball retreat held by Mary Hodges is actually cited in-text as taking place on August 20-21. Aside from the novel's first section set in Eden (In the Beginning) and its second section set in 1979 at Adam Young's Birth (Eleven Years Ago), the remaining sections are named by the days of the week they're occurring: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. In 1990, the 20th and 21st fell on Monday and Tuesday. We may safely assume that the retreat bled into a third day, Wednesday, which is of course the day on which Aziraphale and Crowley turn up at Tadfield Manor in the middle of the paintpall battle to interrogate Ms. Hodges. By that logic, Sunday is August 26th. This can be read as a stand-alone, but, as with most GO content I write these days, it functions as a flashback in
CoT 'Verse. Page numbers given below reference the British hardcover first edition from Gollancz.
Summary: When the sun finally sets on that day, reality, too, must set in.
Read it @ LJ)
Read it @ AO3)