Title: The Beach Botanist's Survival Guide, Parts 3 & 4 (
Part 1;
Part 2)
Fandom: Good Omens
Pairings/Characters: Aziraphale/Crowley, Raphael/Uriel (OC versions of them as seen throughout my personal GO canon), various incidental minor OCs, and (for the previous installment) the Device-Pulsifer family
Word Count: 10,000 words across all parts (5,000 words for 3 & 4 combined).
Rating: NC-17 all around, guys.
Notes: See full explanation of the prompt
here. Set in the same universe as / follows the sequence currently consisting of
A Better Place,
The Walls, the Wainscot, and the Mouse,
What to Do When the Clock Just Stops, and
Creature Comforts. In the chronology, since I assume this universe is happening in real-time (from their 2005 cottage move-in date forward), it's happening...well, it's happening last weekend.
Summary: All Crowley had wanted was to have a go at the infamous rosa rugosa and spend a lot of time under the covers (not sleeping, and definitely not alone).
The Beach Botanist's Survival Guide, Parts 3 & 4)