New GO Fic: "Judge Not" - Aziraphale/Crowley - R/NC17

May 19, 2012 18:08

Title: Judge Not
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: R / NC-17
Word Count: 3,000
Notes: puokki produced a prompt with so much substance that I couldn't even consider treating it as a standard ficlet: I'd love to see something dealing with Aziraphale's obvious prejudice against demons and, subsequently, against Crowley (like the time he's trying to explain the love he feels in Lower Tadfield, but just says something along lines of, "I can't explain it, especially not to you.") It's clear that Crowley thinks demons are not particularly evil, and they're just doing their jobs, and it's also clear that he takes Aziraphale's comments to heart. I just think it's one of those unresolved things between them. This is set just post-novel (late summer 1990, as chronology goes, for people who are nit-pickers like me), and it's first-time fic, which I kind of shy from these days, as well as I've got to know them. I may be out of practice. It's also a first-time in that this is the first time Aziraphale has ever set foot in Crowley's flat, which I've never covered; it seems to me Aziraphale's bookshop has always been the hang-out, and neither of them ever questioned that (much).
Summary: The prompt rather took care of that, don't you think?

( Judge Not)

slash, smut, crowley, book discussion, aziraphale/crowley, fic, aziraphale

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