Title: Hastur Baiting. Fandom: Good Omens. Author: chelonianmobile Rating: PG. Pairings: None. Warnings: None. Summary: Playing D&D with the Antichrist comes with very special problems.
Heh. I'm wondering what playing D&D with a Duke of Hell would be like now. Mr Welch and The Binder of Shame probably have nothing on a demon, but at least the other players are thirteen and therefore likely to find it funny.
One of my friends made a comment about Hastur going ex-directory because of this business. One has to wonder if that's why his D&D counterpart does the thing with the monsters showing up instead ... "Beep. We are sorry, the demon you are trying to reach does not wish to be disturbed at this moment. In accordance with Infernal procedure, you will now be devoured by this byakhee. Have a nice day."
Byakhee are awesome. Look up the song about them on YouTube. Though I admit I really have difficulty picturing what something described as a mixture of a crow, a buzzard, a mole, an ant, a bat, and a zombie would actually look like ...
What? A foul creature of the Abyss! I must smite him!
- Steinhrofdny the Zealot, dwarf paladin
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