The Secret

Dec 05, 2007 14:42

No, I don't have a secret :) I think I've actually pretty much confessed everything within me to everyone on here!  It makes me feel good, but really now, I'm sure you're all incredibly sick of reading about my 'boy problems' 'stupidity' 'crazy dreams' and more 'boy problems'.  So now I digress to talking about this movie/documentary thing I just watched a few nights ago.

Celeste actually lent it to me encouraging me to watch it with an open mind and open spirit.  I did so and it was pretty good.  It had so many good suggestions.  It's actually called "The Secret"  and it basically describes 'the law of attraction' in depth to the point of drowning.

There are tons of people who talk about how "The Secret" has changed their lives... and they're all wealthy people (whether it be in mind or belongings). Basically the movie suggests that we continually think positive, which is incredibly hard to do, but essential none the less.  When we do so, we emit possitive energy which attracts the like towards us.  By thinking happily we magnetize good things/feelings/people to us.  By convincing ourselves that we will succeed the goal is that much closer.

I honestly felt like it was a very informative movie that had a variety of incredibly important suggestions.  Thus so, I suggest that, if you'd like, you could either borrow it from Celeste or try to rent it... I'm not sure if it's at any movie stores, but it's worth a try.

That tis all...
oh, and in case you're wondering, my icon is actually the artist who calls himself Se7en.  He's Korean and he's a very talented dancer.  Not only that, but he can sing in Korean and English, and he sounds wonderful in both!!! Oh, and he's really pretty... *pets*... 

real life man!, feel the cheer, crazy talk

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