(no subject)

Sep 19, 2012 22:21

RANT! Warning! Warning! Rant to follow!

Well now. Back to lecture today for the middle kingdoms through Ramses the second. I really have to wonder what is in the standard curriculum for high school history these days. I had to explain several times to my tiny group what a Cartouche was and why you might want to know. Also a great deal of rancor from the group that Egypt has it's own chapter including little influence from outside the kingdoms. (Yes there were two kingdoms of Egypt, the upper, and the lower. They were unified into one kingdom in the first dynasty by Menes who was later mauled to death by a hippo.)They want a global picture of the development of the cultures in that time period from an art history class. Someone didn't read the course objectives and got this mixed up with a world/ancient history class.
I gave up explaining the inculcation of Egyptian primacy about the time that Short and Spicy went off on how ridiculous it was that none of the conquerors were listed. If only she knew how much paper that would have taken....

I realize at odd moments how unusual my primary education was and how much it covered. Art history is a little annoying for now as we keep doing small group activities and for all my attempts at patience it would help if they read the book. The class is great as long as I don't have to discuss it with anyone but the teacher. I suppose that makes me a snob. I hope not since I don't feel like I am better than they are. I just wish that humans, and these ones in specific, would read the bloody prep work before they spout off randomly or sit there looking clueless while I talk about things that were in the brightly colored text inserts. I try really hard not to get outside the scope of the book so that I don't vomit information randomly.

My question of the day...why should the onus be on me to restrict my knowledge of a topic so that those who know less can keep up? Blargle!
Technically correct answer, it shouldn't.
Functionally correct answer, because no one likes a smart ass.

Of the two I like the first but have to live by the second. Even here in a wildly expensive private school I find a bias against high achievement. If you read the book, if you are naturally a little bright or a little fast, you should privately push that as far as you can to better yourself. Publicly however if you want to have any social interaction what so ever you should keep as mum as you can so that you don't accidentally show people up. No sympathy is given if you don't mean to and are just enjoying a subject you know well.

To clarify one point, I am not talking about being a braggart here. I don't condone being pushy about what you can do, or being an ass because you have a gift. That's not nice and you probably need a gentle(or occasionally not so gentle)reminder not to be rude. If however people find you out than why should you have to do the aw shucks thing to let them save face?

I don't know. I never have been able to figure this one out. But than again I don't feel threatened by me so I can't speak to how I effect those who might be. I wish I didn't feel like I should apologize for being me all the time. I get flack for being smart. I get flack for studying when others don't. I get flack for having a drawing turn out well when some one else's didn't.

Never once did I stand on a desk in the middle of the room and shout, "Praise me ignorant peons for I am your master!" I'm sure I would have remembered the contusions.

This is what comes from being philosophical when you have rum in the house. Frustrations, meet Pyrat rum. Sick em'.
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