Sep 09, 2005 16:56
Tagged by Alex. And I'm just bored enough to do it. XD
"You just fill this out with 20 random facts about yourself, and then you tag the same # of people as how many minutes it took to finish this bitch. So yeah...good luck and have fun if I tag you, if I don't...I guess you can still fill it out." for 20 random facts...
1.) I'm completely paranoid about showing my drawings to my parents. Seriously. I start crying and everything, lol. Under no circumstances will I ever show a drawing to them willingly. (shrugs)
2.) On the drawing note, I dislike drawing clothing the most. Especially the arms/sleeves.
3.) I don't have any secrets. Lol. If you don't know something about me, it's because you've never asked.
4.) The best kind of weather is when it rains on a warm, sunny day. Thunderstorms especially.
5.) My dream is to make people see things the way I see them.
6.) When I was younger, I was part of a modern dance company. I was totally into it, I LOVED dancing (albeit, badly) and to this day whenever I hear the song "Under Pressure" by Queen (the background music for our first performance), I feel really happy.
7.) I really like grammar. And spelling. Lol, I could totally imagine myself as one of those crazy English teachers who grabs a guitar and starts strumming along to a song about prepositions.
8.) I like thinking about stories more then I like writing/drawing them. Laziness is a bitch like that.
9.) At some point in my childhood, I decided the meaning of life is to effect the people around you--to have the people you care about acknowledge your existance by being an important factor in their lives. Soon after, I categorized myself as an attention-whore.
10.) I think that's why I loved Naruto so much straight off the bat--I could relate to his character (sort of).
11.) I would never do drugs. My uncle is HIV positive because of it, and I've seen one too many lives ruined from one joint.
12.) I liked drawing before I liked anime. Not the other way around.
13.) I've always wished I could stand on my hands.
14.) I don't like over-exerting myself. Lol, so I never try my very best at sports due to sheer laziness.
15.) If I could, I would rather be an athlete than an artist. Because I think really good athletes are awesomely cool like that. Lol, but once again, laziness is a bitch, so I stuck with what I was good at.
16.) If I ever have kids one day, I'd rather have a son than a daughter.
17.) I think too much.
18.) If I wasn't so lazy, I would probably be a cheerleader right now.
19.) My favorite dessert is apple (crumb) pie.
20.) I believe in "god" (though I think it's more of a thing than a person). But I believe in myself more, so I don't ask for many favors aside from the occasional "PLEEEEAAAASE LET ME HAVE PASSED!!" or "PLEEEEAAAASE LET ME WAKE UP TOMMOROW MORNING AND BE A NINJA!!"
5 min. BITCH.
I'm tagging...
1.) Sho
2.) Pruittiporn
3.) Keener cus he never posts ANYTHING so he should totally comment on my journal anyway
4.) Sonia
5.) Kasia
W00t. My bad if I didn't tag you and you feel neglected, but I'm trying to get people Alex didn't get yet.