Okay, so finals start on Monday and I have a big paper for Arthurian Legend that's already a day overdue, so guess what I did today? Anybody? That's right, absolutely nothing. I am so screwed. I kind of needed the downtime after being so stressed out last week, though. Besides the paper which I didn't turn in and the usual weekly quizzes and 10 hour homework assignments, I had a debate in Ethics that counted for 60% of my grade (A-, w00t!) and three separate PowerPoints to put together for work in just two days (50+ slides each, approximately 5 hours per PowerPoint). Normally I'd blow off the work and focus on the school, but I had just asked for my job back next fall and wanted to leave my supervisors with the impression, that yes, I am still useful. It turns out they didn't even use one of my presentations, but I actually had to present the other two myself. If I had copped out I would have looked like a complete fool in front of three supervisors and two Very Important doctors.
It's been a good and bad couple of weeks. Two Wednesdays ago an acquaintance of mine (and good friend to several of my good friends) was hit by a pickup while riding his bike. His life was saved by the fact that he was wearing a helmet, but even so he's been in an induced coma since the accident and they had to completely reconstruct his arm. The bastard who hit him left him laying in the road in the middle of West Philly and has yet to be identified. Despite that, I had a good weekend. My suitemate Becky and I went to see a local production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum on Thursday night, and on Saturday Alyssa came to visit from DC and she, Becky, and I went to New York to see The Producers. Our bus got there late because of the rain, so we didn't really have time to do anything other than see the show, have lunch/dinner, take a brief jaunt into Virgin, and get clocked in the head repeatedly by the many inconsiderate tourists with umbrellas. My (ex)roommate, La came over on Sunday and we watched Amelie and Doctor Who and talked for a really long time, which I needed more than I knew. She's one of the few people here that I can unload on and not feel guilty about it, and the fact that I hadn't seen her in nearly eight weeks even though she lives three blocks away was quite depressing. She and I are also going to see The Lion King on Tuesday. Our seats are literally in the last row of the topmost balcony, but still, you can't go wrong with The Lion King. Plus it's a nice break from my seven, count 'em, SEVEN finals next week. Oi.
And now for something completely different-- I went back and changed a bunch of icons so I could properly display my Doctor Who obsession. The first to go were the Mere/McDreamy icons, surprise surprise. They no longer deserve my icon-y love; I want to push them over a McCliff. Also looking through these icons I noticed a disturbing trend: when did this fascination with blond-haired, blue-eyed actors take over? Alan Tudyk, Paul Bettany, David Anders, Anthony Rapp (yes, I know he's gay, shut up), Bradley Cooper, Josh Holloway... I could have sworn my type was dark curly-ish hair. Of course I also feel the love for David Tennant, T. R. Knight (well, George, really), and the lovely Colin, but that hardly balances. Wow. I'm almost embarrassed I even noticed this, let alone so easily dashed off nine actors I find attractive. Um, yeah, clamping down on the scary fangirl-ness now.