Feb 26, 2009 23:17
Waking up late for French was about the best thing I could possibly ask for after a three day break from school. I didn't have to get my ass kicked by a 9:30 class, which was sweet.
Turns out when Angelique joked about 'being sick' today for class and 'telling us about it later' most of the class thought she was serious -- I must've missed that memo, because I showed up. I was one of about a half dozen, but whatever, I got bonus for being there. We practiced some stuff like negation and direct object pronouns and a combination of the two PLUS imparfait and oh dear sweet deity, I'm going to need to study so hard for this next test.
Speaking of deity. I think I'm going to give up taking the Lord's name in vain for Lent. I mean, I don't have to do anything, and swearing totally is completely out of the question. Considering I'm a Baptist, I think this is a small enough thing to attempt for a month.
I claim no responsibility for taking other deities in vain, though. Buddha, look out. Apollo, Zeus, you're on my list. Chuck Woolery, you're back in.
Speaking of in - as in substitutions - the Lady Tigers narrowly beat Tennessee tonight and OMG IT WAS AMAZING. They totally kicked ass all over the first half, then Tenn made a run in the second half and two of their girls were just knocking shots down no problem but we hung on to it and it was amazing. My throat hurts, but in that same good way that my hands sting from clapping so much. :D GEAUX TIGERS!!!
Bad news for my life; the post office in the union is closed for rennovations right when I need to send my father's birthday present. (I originally said package, but then my brain went places that require bleach and so I reworded that sentence.)
Other bad news for my life; I think I totally failed my Brit Lit quiz today. I'm lucky I was even there at all-- I was reading for class, got done with it about 15 minutes before I needed to leave and decided it was a good idea to catch a small I'm-only-resting-my-eyes nap. Steph wakes me up at 3:05 with, "Are you going to class?" Class starts at 3:00, and I have to get my stuff, get downstairs, unlock my bike, bike over, lock my bike and trek up a flight of stairs. I stare at the clock for about a minute, really wanting to go back to sleep. But I've already missed two lecture and I wrest myself up with, "I can't afford to miss another class!" Got there okay, and I've never been late before, so I don't think he hates me too much-- especially since I answered a couple questions today, but then I wasn't prepared for a quiz. Which, he did say he wouldn't announce, but I didn't even... *sigh* It was on Canterbury Tales, which I didn't fully read when we were supposed to, and then missed two major lectures on. Not fun times.
More not fun times; I think my interjections are the only thing keeping Professor Long from blowing up at our meager class of 15 for not reading carefully, closely or at all. And I absolutely fucking hate it. If I shut up, no one answers. THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT NEVER TALK IN THAT CLASS. It mostly frustrates me because I can't not read. (Even though I continue to fail his 'quizzes' too.)
An unrelated note: I hate my hair. I can't do anything with it. I don't want to try and straighten it by myself, but I'm going to have to. That would involve washing it and blow drying it first. That would entail combing it, which is the thing I'm looking forwad to the least (besides steam burns on my scalp).
Upside to this whole day; it was already Thursday, I saw a winning basketball game (and will get free Cane's out of it, HALLELUJAH-- that totally doesn't count, it's a praise), and I didn't have to really do anything for class tomorrow because I'm read up for Theatre and Fiction is on Heart of Darkness. It'll bear a re-read, but no need to stress tonight. Finally. G'night.
daily grind,
geaux tigers,