"whispers hello I miss you quite terribly"

Feb 19, 2009 23:59

Neck is significantly better tonight. I only had a whole pill the entire day, plus some of my BFF, Ibu. (I hate how we pronounce things so differently from how they're spelled. It took me far too long to learn how to spell Ibuprofen. Seriously. NO NOT TODAY, THANKS.)

In other news, I made it through today with no visible damage other than I didn't eat much (thank God for Steph going to Taco Bell) and I'm really, really tired. Other than that, I got through French class's writing assignment today hopefully unscathed, got schooled on Imparfait afterwards, then ran off to try and get educated for Brit Lit and MAA, which I continue to keep ignoring. I really need to stop that.

Got my Brit Lit essay back, but have no idea what my grade is... *headdesk* I suppose I'll go to him at office hours next chance I get anyway.

MAA... was Poe, who (whom?) I love. Learned some very interesting things today about how authors' purposes are to shape how you think and manipulate you (not necessarily in a bad way) to think something. How narrators shouldn't be assumed to be reliable; notice objectivity, stuff like that that I never gave much thought to. Briefly talked with him after class and he said he wasn't really worried about me, which is good. I just need to actually read a bunch of crap, like finish LOTM and all the old readings I skipped over or read half-assed. Work on my essay this weekend. Thankfully he felt I didn't really need to chat long, so I got to bike home a little after six instead of much later, like I'd anticipated.

Puff painted a shirt tonight, when I likely should have been working on my Theatre presentation... but I got my part done, bibliographized, and emailed to our powerpoint compiler before midnight. >.>; I also offered to do more work on the project, but I haven't heard back from either of my group mates. I'm forcing myself not to panic. I'm also forcing myself not to think about having to talk to the class tomorrow, but there's a good chance hardly anyone will be there because it's an early afternoon class the Friday before Mardi Gras break. Plus, I know my part pretty well -- thank God for theatre last semester. :D

Fiction lecture is cancelled, so I get to sleep in instead of getting up for 9:30! I'm going to set an alarm and just check my email in the morning, though, see if I need to do anything. Other than that, which could go horribly wrong BUT WE'RE THINKING POSITIVE HERE, I've only got to get through one more hour of class, then I'm on break.

My aunt and uncle are coming through tomorrow afternoonish, so hopefully I'll get to see them and pass on my dad's bday gift (because of course the post office in the Union is shutting down and moving to another location starting this weekend) and maybe catch lunch. Then, it's off to New Orleans with Lauren! Then severe sleeping Saturday (and possibly seeing the new Madea movie I've so been looking forward to), partying it up again Sunday and getting sleep and work done the rest of the days in the lonely, quiet dorm. Which could be nice. I could actually go downstairs and study. If the lonliness gets bad, I'll see if I can hang with Lauren, her family seems to like me well enough.

BOO NO VOYAGER ON AT MIDNIGHT. I hate you, Spike. You took away my Trek. *pouts* I needs my Kathy. (It's totally different than the daily dose of Kate I can get at km_daily.)

Also. Guys. Can I hear about your lives, please? I go to my RL friends filter and all I get are Newland's tweets and halcyonjazz's random crazy updates (which are entertaining, don't get me wrong). But I miss hearing about your daily antics and such. *llama face* For real.

Oh, and if anyone remembers that crush I mentioned in not-so-many-words? The one that I wasn't sure about? Yeah, it's totally getting bad. I'm internally quite flustered around said person, and my throat goes all dry when I'm talking and my stomach flutters when they walk in the room. (Although it seems I'm not outwardly expressing any of this, by the grace of God.) This is not good. No, really. This is not good.

As far as lyric-subjects go, today's would have been great if I was coming home for the break: "wait for me now, I'm coming home, I'm bringing back my sense of humor" but as it were, they're still good.
Here In Your Arms, Hellogoodbye

tiny font is tiny, daily grind, links, soreness, game plan

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