Feb 03, 2009 22:10
Icon for no particular reason.
Busy day. Mostly because I'm a master procrastinator.
Woke up late, got my French test back -- 89, woo! I could've done better and got so hurried that I didn't conjugate a verb as bonus points *llama face, could've had an A* but I've got an A in the class thus far, so that's a positive.
Dear US Postal Service,
You suck,
No love,
You can take that brief discourse to the USPS that I didn't get my package from mom, and we're already paranoid that something has gone wrong with it. (Like mother like daughter.) Certainly hope not. Anyway, got back to the dorm, chatted her up for a bit, then pounded out a 600 word analysis and printed it, then ran off to Brit Lit.
Where I was woefully underprepared because WTF we had homework in that class other than reading? God damn it! Anyway, got an essay due for that class next week, need to get on that shit pronto.
Get to Major American Authors, where I hadn't read any of Last of the Mohicans because damn it all to hell, I never bought it from the Co-Op. Shiiiiiiiit. Teach is reasonably pissed that no one read, but Jesus, am I the only one with an opinion in that class? I don't even read and I still answer and contribute to the conversation.
Tangent: you know how you recognize a voice but you don't know where it's from and it kinda bothers you for a while? Usually Google/Wikipedia don't let me down, but I couldn't place the voice from the Green M&M. You know the one, the sexy, sultry voice that melts the guy M&Ms? Yeah, that's Cree Summers from A Different World, and it made me LOL when I recognized once-crazy-character-Freddie voicing them. Quite the revelation.
Related tangent: I love the Happy Cows come from California commercials-- especially now because they've got like an audition for the next Happy Cow and cows are sending in audition tapes-- and there's a Korean one! She's speaking in, what I guess is, Korean? It's so cute! :D
Anyway. Tonight I haven't accomplished much; got a quiz in French tomorrow again but I have time between Fiction and then to study the verbs, and Madam Bovary looks interesting. I'll give it a go before I crash tonight, probably like 2:00ish. Need a refresher course on King Lear because my damn package didn't come in. *harumph*
Other news: Chatted with Bethany and Erin today, and then with Steph about random crap like what we're deathly afraid of, morning routines from elementary school through now and everything in between. That's what I love and am going to miss dearly next year; just talking about whatever for no reason.
Notables: SVU was sad and disappointing today. A couple funny lines, but it was kinda just eh. Mostlyb ecause I think they've done this plot before and I tend to recognize it. There were twists, but not so much fun tiems in banter, though Liv did get a nice zinger. No Munch that I saw, little Liv, some T and El was the main tonight. No Grayleck's far as I saw, either. I'm wondering what's gonna happen since BNC is coming back in a blaze of glory and no, it's not my favorite redhead because you'd already know. Not gonna say names but you can figure it out if you like from preivous context clues. I'm behind on NCIS so I don't watch, and Steph likes American Idol, but The Biggest Loser was awesome-- EXCEPT ALL THE GOD DAMN COMMERCIAL BREAKS.
Nothing else important, methinks. Other than this episode of Fresh Prince is awesome. Issac Hayes FTW. Miss you, sir.
Everything Is Alright, Motion City Soundtrack
tiny font is tiny,
daily grind,
open letter(s),