All I wanna do is *sneeze* *sneeze* *sneeze* *sneeze*

Jan 22, 2009 15:08

And *COUGH* and not go to class.

Okay, crappy pop song allusion over and done with, I'm pretty sure I'm sick. Upside; Steph and I are going to Walmart in a couple hours to get food and drugs and more Kleenex, then our free Cane's, so.

Downside; I'm kinda ultra-easily-pissed right now and there's this dumb whore in my Brit Lit class sitting in my seat. And it doesn't help that Mr. Sandiford treats us like we're in high school and wants us to sit in the exact same places every week. I think he's going to say that where you sit today will be your seat and damn it, that was my fucking seat. [edit] AND SHE'S NEW. GRRRR. SHE WASN'T EVEN PREPARED FOR TODAY'S CLASS, GRAHHHH.

See? Ultra-pissy. (I also think I'm gonna be on my period soon, so look out, Terrorizing Darienne on the loose.)


*feels the plague seep further into her chest and consume her soul*



edits, class, frustrated, in sickness and not in health

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