So there were lots of adventures had today. I'll do my best to recount all of them. Among them, one of the quotes of the day was -of course- by Kiah.
"Who else says hey girl hey*? The Pope?"
Alright, so now to continue in chronological order. Uhh... alright. Here we go.
Sociology -- blah. Nearly 90 minutes of difficulty staying awake. A practice in a defiant will to stay awake, mostly because the girl next to me was annoying the hell out of me with her loud vibrate-y phone and half-asleep-ed-ness. Traipse out into the Quad to find Kiah, rendezvous at the Union for lunch. On the way back to our respective rooms, Kiah and I decide it would be a good day for a picnic.
So we did.
I grabbed a couple blankets, some water and bounced over to her room, then we proceeded to the Parade Grounds and settled in some oh-so-merciful shade. So we're chatting, we're napping, Meg comes up (re: the quote above, because she couldn't see who we were but we were waving and screaming 'hey girl hey,'), then her sister Britt does. Josh shows up and nearly makes off with Kiah's cookies and sunglasses, both of which she fights him very nearly to the death for; I have to steal his cell phone and threaten to run off with it for him to finally relent. And this guy is huge. Like, six and a half feet tall, huge. (I could be exaggerating, but he could probably suffocate me with one hand. Srsly.) We could both probably hang off of his shoulders, but he's not that cute or muscular or anything. Sweet, in a goofy-looking-pathological-liar-type-of-way.
So sometime during the time we were hanging out here, we see a couple of mocking birds hopping around one another like they're "gonna but don't really wanna" fight. Kiah and I immediately start up a running commentary (which was hilarious as hell and now we regret filming neither the birds or ourselves) which goes a little something like this:
"Dude. Dude, just let me by."
"No, dude. Step off. This is my land."
"I just-- I just want the worm, man, c'mon."
"No! It's my freaking worm, it's on my freaking land."
"Come-- come on."
"Step off."
"Come on."
"I said step off. No, you know what? Get at me."
"I don't wanna get at you."
"I know you don't. Fucking step-- make a move."
"I'm hungry, man!"
"I don't fucking care if you're fucking hungry, fucking do something about it."
"I am trying to do something about it, I'm trying to eat that worm."
"You better back up off me."
"I don't understand why you're so upset."
"What, oh-- you got moves, are you gonna juke me? What?"
"Just let me have the worm."
"I can't-- I can't even fucking see you now." (They hopped so far I couldn't see them past the low-hanging branches, LAWL.)
(Then Kiah throws out:) "Is this about Tina?" (And a bird in the upper branches trills as if on cue.)
"... leave Tina out of this."
"But is it about Tina though?"
"I said-- just get the fuck out of here man."
"Look, don't get mad about Tina."
"Fucking-- hop toward me one more time."
"Just 'cause Tina--"
"Shut the hell up, dude!"
"Look, I just want the worm, alright?"
"No. It's my fucking land, it's my fucking worm."
"I saw it first."
"You saw-- it's on my land, I saw it first!"
"It's not your land 'cause Tina gave it up to me."
"Tina gave what-- I'm going to fucking kick your ass, man."
"You know... you know, I think I should just go." (Kiah's bird was finally turning around like he was going to fly away.)
"Yeah, you'd better run!"
"It's not even worth it. I'm outta here, dude." (*flies away*)
"GOOD. You better run! TINA!"
We then dissolved into helpless laughter.
So, Kiah decided to take a nap, and I brooded about not being able to get home for Amalie's play/mom's birthday this weekend, and plotted a few more last-minute, last-ditch plans. I saw a couple people kicking around a soccer ball, but I wouldn't go play. Later, I had to save Kiah's life because the ball came at her head, and I finally jumped up to play. Suffice to say I'm still a fast sprinter, playing barefoot was a bad decision, and I've now found a few people to play pick up games with.
Did I mention that this guy -Michael- has a roommate from Brazil who I -hope- I'll be playing with? And he has an accent. And he's cute. AND he'll be here all four years. I'm exciiiited. :D (
paskettios : I need advice on dealing with hot accented ethnicities. STAT.)
Somewhere in here, we hear the band practicing. It seems close, and Kiah was captain of the color guard, and feeling nostalgic/missing her flags/rifle at home. So we pack up to go trekking across the field in search of the band. It sounds like they're behind Pleasant Hall (aka the Devil Incarnate, aka Math Lab) but there's businesses, and suddenly we're off campus and hopping around apartments in Baton Rouge with scary looking German Shepherds, but finally we found them. (Pleasant hall/the buildings on Chimes street echo/magnify the HELL out of the brass section. It sounds like they're on campus fa sho.) Anyway, we couldn't find the dancing girls, so we trudge back to our buildings and reconvene for dinner a bit later.
Kiah and I hang out a lot. We also look a lot alike. People either think we're kin, cousins, sisters, twins or lesbians; take your pick because they're all wrong. But so we're eating dinner in the 459 and we're at a two person table. She's got a flower in her hair, jewelry on, jeans, a purse, etc. I'm wearing my red basketball shorts, black chucks, a tank top and my keys around my neck on a lanyard (though my hair was down). Anyway. I sit back, take a second look and arch a brow. "You know, I look butch as hell right now." She looks up with a 'what?' on her face. I motion between us. "We look like a lesbian couple. You're the pretty girl, I'm the butch guy." And she nearly choked with laughter. Then she got mad, because it could have been true.
I remain amused by this.
Then there was House, which I have little comment on because I didn't really like the POTW very much, though Simon making moves on Cuddy and Cuddy kind of liking it was cool. I got Cuddy history and EL OH FUCKING EL HOUSE WAS A -- oh. Um. Cut for spoilers.
Then... there was SVU. I was yelling at Liv ten minutes into the episode, Grayleck was being a domaneering bitch but was dropped a peg. I totally pegged the murderer, Elliot did stupid things for not-stupid reasons, Fin and Liv worked together for a hot minute (yey!) Then... there was tragedy. Another cut, for crying and despair. And woe. (Oh, and those pesky spoilers.)
Liz was sorry, but as I said in a text, "I'm going to drown my sorrows in cheesy quesadilla goodness. Then, LJ will harbor all my emo sorrows."
So it was, and it Ceiling Cat sez it was good.
*A common homosexual catchphrase/greeting (according to Kiah) used in playful banter among the general population**.
**The general population = Me, Kiah, Megan and our inside circle of select friends.