Wasting away again in Margaritaville...

Jul 11, 2008 19:32

[ mood |
lazy ]
[ music | All The Strange, Strange Creatures ]

I find that I haven't updated my LJ in a month. It feels like there should be more things to talk about, all manner of update posts that I've missed and should fill you in on... but the truth is, there isn't.

I've been a lazy bum this entire summer.

Sure, I went to orientation. Baton Rouge is beautiful, when it's not raining, and I certainly won't be homesick but for the weather. Actually, I'll be getting the rainclouds from home, just a day later. LSU is massive and overwhelming and awesome and scary and exciting all at once.

I've been sleeping until three in the afternoon and going to bed at five in the morning. (Nocturnal habits achieved!)

No job. (No income, that sucks.)

One of my best friends is in Chicago until August, and has been since the end of June. Another one is working a nine to five job at her mom's firm, and is so tired that our usual hijinks only  happen on the weekends. Another is gallavanting about the universe with his omnipitent powers in Colorado(?) and having tons of fun with maths like Calculus.

Spent inordinate amount of time on the internet/computer? Check.

I guess the days are just packed.

nocturnal, musings

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