[ mood |
pensive ]
But I couldn't help sharing something I'd noticed.
If you know me, you know my bangs. (If you don't know me... I'm not sure how you ended up here.) My bangs and I are in a love/hate relationship, love when they've just had a $50 dollar treatment at my hair salon, hate when I'm just about to wash my hair and make it all go back to normal and/or when I've just woken up in the morning.
Well. By all rights I should be asleep by now, considering that 1) I've agreed to get up spectacularly early in the morning to see a friend for breakfast before she leaves me for Arizona for a week, and B--no, wait... (Who gets the joke?) 2) even though it is winter break, I ought to at least attempt at giving myself a Circadian rhythm. (Insofar... slap me with a big epic FAIL, this will be about the one time in the history of the universe you'll be allowed to; take advantage, quick!)
Anyway. That joke brings me to the point of my post (sort of). I'm sure it doesn't from any one else's perspective, but from my own, the one where I cannot see my face but just the things immediately surrounding it when it comes to hair...
My bangs *currently* remind me of David Tennant's hair. Or the Tenth Doctor's, whichever. When they're kind of long and shiny and brown with gold on them and sticking out in which-ways that can't be controlled but somehow look good. (From MY point of view. I highly doubt this applies when anyone else looks at me.)
Actually, a lot like it did in Voyage of the Damned. (WHICH WAS AMAZING. CAPSLOCK/BOLDFACE FONT NECESSARY.)
*rummages for a screencap*
a bit like that. :D But kind of even more stick-y-out-y than that. Maybe more like
this, except with floppiness in front of the eyes.
Okay. Enough contemplation of hair at two in the morning.
Obligatory holiday post to follow... sometime soon, I swear.