I love me a good Meme.

Dec 02, 2007 23:14

[ mood |
tired ]
[ music | La Vie Boheme // Goodbye Love // What You Own (...basically all of RENT) ]

MEME. Name a character from one of my fandoms, and I'll give you either (a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon, (b) a reason he/she sucks, (c) a reason he/she is awesomecakes, (d) five things that never happened to that character or (e) five people that character never fell in love with and why. You pick the character. I pick the letter.

Ganked from
cherryfeather .

Hay, yall, I got me a deviantart account!

A regret I've recently discovered: not pursuing my music. I am totally getting into all kinds of musicals and Broadway and Broadway musicals (imagine that!), and I want to sing but I can't, because my throat/voice/vocal chords are schizo. *pout* I used to be in choir and I used to dance. Amalie's now in a show that involves tapping, and I never expected that to come back at me with a pang in my heart. I regret not following up on piano lessons, and giving up on choir, and not performing anymore. *sigh*

Guess I'll just have to do it in college. Because that's what it's for, following those kinds of dreams, right? (I'm just going to go ahead and assume this to soothe my own regrets.)

Soooo... very few of you know what Ersatz is, and I'll explain in a nutshell for those of you who don't: an SVU fic about Elliot and Olivia and how they need to get together. Olivia-centric, a song-fic including the lyrics to Panic! At the Disco's Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off. Currently 30 pages long and four chapters completed. There's two chapters left, and an OC makes an appearance even before Elliot does.

Oh, and did I mention that I started it around this time last year? Yeah. The people who've read it are getting a little rabid; understandable since the last time I finished a chapter was back in May. Oops. ^^;

And now that I'm not stressing over NaNo anymore (*emotear*), I'm giving myself over to all the plotbunnies swarming around my ankles.

Gah. Up to and including the following tends to bite me at the most, and I mean most inopportune times...

-Torchwood fic where Martha literally comes swinging in and drop-kicks whatever's about to kill Jack in the face and then joins the team
-Bashir's story continues, tune up of Gypsy (the original story in which Bashir was intended to be a minor character... Hah)
-RENT has been begging me to write something, anything for it...
-A Doctor Plus Four: Donna, Jack, Martha and Rose in a Castrovalva remake. Apparently I'm forcing OT5 on people, but they know they want it
-SVU fic for people who deserve Christmas presents

and things of that sort.

Requests? I'm totally up for writing anything at this point. Hell, there's ST: VOY fic floating around in there, House stuff... my brain's a mishmash. Mainly mash, but there's some mish in there, too.

Throw something at me -- I will even look up/watch episodes (if I can get my hands on them) of something I don't watch, if you like.

Bring it on!

[/uber-American Jack]

P.S. Don't forget the meme! *points up* Srsly.

ersatz, doctor who, svu, fic, rent, torchwood, deviantart, meme

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