[ mood |
exhausted ]
[ music | Hum Hallelujah - Fall Out Boy ]
I have just done the most fitness of my life. Srsly.
Two warm up laps around Pin Oak. (Trust me, they're long.) Horses. Two more laps.
Pushups, sit ups, general abdomen fitness. Sprints. Ridiculous number of jumping jacks, crazy pushup/star jump/leg workout things that nearly killed me, kthxbai. Another lap. We get to practice at 7:45, by the time we get on our cleats its... oh, wait, only 8:40. GREAT. Another FORTY MINUTES OF HELL. Scrimmage, water, scrimmage, SPRINT A LAP, then I can go home. Assuming I can still drive safely at this point.
Sheesh. I better look fucking ripped in a couple days. *grumble* (Tomorrow's going to hurt like a bitch. The third floor can kiss my ass.)
Oh, and another sonuvabitch? (Yeah, this is turning into a ranty post. If you don't particularly care, turn back now.) I have to take Science TAKS tomorrow. WTF, I'M NOT EVEN TAKING A SCIENCE THIS YEAR! And hopefully there isn't a whole lot of physics that I can't figure out from the formula chart there! I mean, I'm having to work through a practice exam for Pete's sake! I'm looking like I'm in good shape but I'm going to have to spend plenty of time reading each fucking question and reasoning my way to an answer. *eyeroll* Guh. (The bad kind.)
*makes patented squish face*
AND. Just to add to my crap night. I was trying to get home from soccer practice. Meet a train. And not that I mind waiting at the blinking red *seizure* lights. It was that this one was fucking INTERMINABLE. I swear, it went on for AEONS. Endless cars passing by, and when it was almost done I swear I thought it was slowing down and I was going to have to choke an engineer.
P.S. Thinking of ILPC this weekend and making sure it's not going to be a waste. It never occured to me to skip the classes and walk around Austin. Hahahano. I'm not missing two vital games for my *huge commmitment* soccer team just to skive off and fuck around. Excuse me for being a nerd who wants the paper not to suck anymore. (Even though the people on TPP who do read this are the ones who care, and I rant not at you.)
In other news, I'm probably going to be ganking *yet another claim*
lexus_grey 's
Rockstar Series of Alternate Universes, and star Casey and Olivia. (Like I have time for THIS, either.) Yeah, so Lex is like threatening me with withheld fic *which is a deplorable action by any amazing author* encouraging me to write my C/O version of prompt numero catorce. That would be fourteen for you non-Spanish linguists.
...and yet, I still icon.
Credit me if you gank.
-Holy long post, Batman!
Yeah. I won't be asleep 'til like one. Or later. And what time am I getting up? Sixish? RIGHT ON.