Oh such grace, oh such beauty, and lipstick and callous and fishnets and malice

Jul 18, 2010 03:58

Day 26: Off

Day 27:

Distance: 6 miles - Cut short by a storm smacking me down like the hand of God.
- 33:34 minutes, approximately 2 miles accomplished
- t-shirt, Adidas shorts, thin socks, sports bra
- Nike Citrus

- 88 degrees, 62% humidity
- Sun mostly set, dry until the deluge of biblical proportions rained down from the heavens.

~ @ 7:25pm

>> Tomorrow's Run: Off

So, in case you didn't get the point, my first six mile run was thwarted by a fucking thunderstorm. I almost made it back home in time not to get rained on, missed it by about ten blocks and five minutes. My ridiculously terrible time can be attributed to the downpour, being dehydrated because I slept most of the day and didn't have much water, and starting my period on Friday (at work, in a bathing suit, no less) for the first time in about four months. My body has A) finally gotten over its stress B) forgotten how to deal with it and C) remembered how much it likes to fuck with me.

My knee was giving me trouble on Friday for no reason, and I'm feeling sore now, despite barely running a third of my needed distance. I'm tempted to do a three mile run tomorrow to make up for the lack, although Sunday should be a day off. :frown: Not sure what to do. Try for the full six tomorrow? Only run three? Follow the schedule to a 'T' and take the off day as it should be? WHAT DO I DOOOOO--

Anyway, ended up watching 2012 with mom for the first time instead, and eating a lot of crap food for 'dinner,' up to and including a bagel, Easy Mac, V8 Fusion and Pink Lemonade Which leaves me feeling empty and hungry now at almost four in the morning. (Falling asleep on the couch was such a great idea, I know.)

Oh, I forgot to say yesterday: I finally got to see Wicked on stage! It was brilliant! Went with Liz for her birthday (which is coming up next week shitIstillneedtogetheragift >.>;) and managed to navigate Downtown with ease. Wore my glasses for the first time and I did see a difference, but I also got to assuage my worries that I needed them a lot. I'll be fine with or without them, but it is nice to know they're there now.

Elphaba was fantastic (and hot), Fiyero was WAY HOT (and the understudy! which made us wonder who the "real" Fiyero was), like, think if James Marsden and John Barrowman had a love-child, because he totally looked like Marsden in profile and had a Barrowman-esque smile and swagger. It was just so much fun to finally see it. I had to mouth the words to the songs so I wouldn't start singing them, and Liz and I were positively giddy the whole time. We held hands during "For Good" because it's our official best friends song (SHUT UP OKAY) and had our binoculars out like the whole show. We were in the uppermost gallery, because we're poor college students, but we were nigh on dead center and it worked out anyway.

As for Glinda, I was mostly 'meh' about her (in the, omg this whole show is AWESOME kind of way/I unabashedly am biased towared KCheno/Megan Hilty is up there too because I have a bootleg version that I watched) up until "Thank Goodness." She sang the line "bridges you didn't know you crossed until you've crossed" and sold me on the note as it built. It just had so. much. emotion. I teared up. That, and she did a flop back onto the bed during Popular that was SO HILARIOUSLY exhausted/exasperated with Elphaba (at what I can't remember for the life of me) that I loved. AND she had fantastic shoes.

In short, I fucking loved it, like I knew I would.

I'm going to go eat something made of chocolate now, and be mad at myself later/tomorrow (but not enough to restrain myself from doing this again in the future). Ta.

running the gauntlet, uncontained fangirly squee, the temperature's temperament, wicked

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