4 / 75 books. 5% done!
Apparently 1 in 4 Americans didn't read one book last year. Which appalls me on a personal level, being an upstanding bibliophile (and thesaurus, and dictionary). I can't claim to have done much better-- well, actually, I can. I just can't claim to remember exactly how many I read. Certainly double digits for sure, including or excluding things I read for school.
Anyway, Amalie saw something online during my time in Boston (at Emerson) about people setting a goal for themselves of 75 books. She scoffed, confident that she read that many in a few short months (and could certainly do so by December). I agreed at the first, then realized that I have fallen out of the habit of ensconcing myself in a comfortable chair with a book for hours on end.
I'm not really the type to read in segments-- if I like something, I want to devour it whole right then and there, and it becomes very difficult for me to put things down. Hence why I didn't (and got away with) read the books/pages assigned in my various classes this in their entirety. It follows that I didn't count them, though I do consider myself familiar with them. Now, the summer lends me an unfair advantage; I want to re-read some of my favorite fantasy books because the next in the series has arrived and I've forgotten all the details. I also have the time to leisurely lie around my house on different couches and beds and choose to read for hours at a time. I don't have school assignments or time constraints weighing me down (work and chores and errands being a constant in my life, it seems).
The point is dolphins, I plan on seeing just how many I can read this year. Most, if not all of this task will probably be tackled during this summer, mostly because once I have a deadline and a goal to reach, I get all super intent on it. Posting for posting's sake.