[ mood |
nerdy and soooo
excited ]
[ music | iTunes shuffle = Phenomenon - Thousand Foot Krutch ]
I. Got. Casey. Novak. For.
fanfic100 .
Liek, oh em eff gee.
*can't contain the squeeing*
This way I'm free to write CO all I want! HOORAY!
(Cause that is all I seem to be inspired for.)
Ooh, time for a picture montage! Those with weak constitutions might want to look away...
Mmm, there was dried mulch on the field Saturday night. Let me explain to you; this means that it was pretty much COVERED in sticks and twigs and bark. That wasn't nice to land on.
Exhibit A:
The right knee. Scabbed wonderfully quickly, except I was bleeding during the game and trying to hide from the ref and the side ref this rather obvious fact (I also got the wind knocked out of me when this happened...) because you're not allowed to be bleeding, you have to step off the field until whatever it is stops gushing life fluids or scabs on its own.
Moving on. Exhibit B:
It looks like I was attacked by a feline of some kind. Mother insists it was a bobcat. I'm going with baby tiger. (It just has a better ring to it, y'know?) P.S. this is also my right leg. Thigh, to specify.
Exhibt C:
Thigh the left. Less extensive damage in the subcutaneous layer, more to come on the further internal injuries. (When I know what it is that's the hell wrong with it. Yes, that english was horribly broken and I don't give.)
Exhibit D:
The entire right leg, knee and thigh. Mmm, doesn't that sting? (YES. YES IT DOES.) -Also not turned properly. Hastily uploading for your benefit/entertainment/my own pain cataloging purposes.-
Exhibit E:
The blossoming bruise on the already injured left knee. Yes, it was under a padded knee brace when this happened. YES, it f*cking hurt. Yes, it still f*cking hurts. (And I've been throwing around the f-bomb like nothing else lately. Maybe it's the pain... makes me all ornery like House. Mmm. I really do want a cane. It's an excuse to hit people and be PMS-y, like Greg. *grin*)
And last but not least, Exhibit F:
The legs as a whole. The ones that don't like going up three flights of stairs everyday more than once a day. The ones that ran for a fourth game in three days this afternoon. The ones that are going to do the same thing tomorrow and make the record five games in four days. And then go to soccer practice the next day. Mmm.
They're excited, let me tell you.
P.S. Don't ask me how I got from fanfic100 claim squeeing to my knees. I blame it on my earlier promised post of yay. Time to post my Casey table! *has a feeling she's going to finish this quite soon*
Oh, and did I mention Isignedupfor
7snogs for C/O?
No? Good.