[ mood |
listless ]
[ music | Bye Bye Baby - Ok Go ]
Yeah, so I make icons now.
Textual/visual, no such thing as me actualy having real people in them because as yet I haven't figured out the scaling thing on GIMP. [Though I have done it now. -Listen to me. I'm so accomplished in the 6 hours since I downloaded it.]
YAHHH. Sorry, randomness is starting to affect my brain. [That's what happens when something like LJ eats it. @_@
Hanyway. Ze icons. *flourish*
Hey, is that Eddie? Huh. Wonder if a certain red-haired-sophomore-squee-ing-fangirl might like this one. [Or might like to find out the name of my photobucket account.] What? who said that? Moving on.
This one's just pretty. [Thank you, Eddie, you're so cogent.]
Yeah, some of them were like OMGDeep. I love the sunset in this one.
Lawl. Sky. *labels OMGDeep*
Yey ships. :D *omgdeep*
I wish Yogi Berra was wrong, sometimes. [Oxymorons and impossibilities notwithstanding.]
(Then a couple of them just made me snerk. Like...)
Um. <.<; .... o^-^o Yey!
Nyahaha. Truth is everything. [But everybody lies. Hrm. Paradoxes are amusing.]
My own personal motto-- but of course you probably knew that. <3
Then, last but not least:
My. Favorite. One. EVER. :D I <3 Albert Einstein and his unadulterated wit.
Yeeesh. It's midnight. I was supposed to get extra sleep tonight because I have English TAKS tomorrow. Wait a minute-- didn't I take this shit two weeks ago? YOU SONS OF--
Oh, crap. Suddenly reminded of my *facepalm* moment today.
I hate choo, Liz. *glare* How in the hell you inspired me to write House/Wilson fic, I'll never know. Ann witnessed it first hand. I bet she can't even explain it. (And -god, kill me- it's late Valentine's day mush! AAAAAAGH.)
P.S. Three day turnaround in TPP? OMFGHA?! The hell do they think we are, journalists?