Sep 11, 2009 23:44
And it only lasted four days.
I don't know what I'm going to do when Monday rolls around.
Probably didn't help, being on my period. WARNING TMI AHEAD. This time around not so bad, except I messed up my sheets. *frown* Had to deal with that right before class. Stain pretty much came out of the aqua sheets, but the mattress pad has a funny spot now. Whatever, no one sees that anyway. *shrug* Just wish it would be over, because it's not a very heavy flow and I'd like to go swimming but I hate dealing with tampons.
I've been slacking on homework a lot, and I really need to get on that. Like, I've got a lot of stuff to study for Monday, and a lot of shit to do, but I'm not going to get any of it done tomorrow. Know why?
I can be so obnoxious with this school spirit of mine, I know. I can't help it. I bought some gear from the Bookstore for a pretty penny today, and I've got my game day shirt sitting pretty. I am so ready for tomorrow. (I was going to say all ready, but the phrase looked weird. Anyway.) It never rains in Tiger Stadium, even if it rains in Baton Rouge, and I plan on enjoying some tailgate food and I *will* be painted in some shape or form. DAMN-- I still need to print my ticket. I might want that.
Today, I worked out. A lot. We (Amanda and Megan were wtih me) were there for almost two hours. Did a 33 minute fat-burning workout on the elliptical, then ~200 crunches, then lots of machine work on my upper body and a little bit of leg work for my thighs. THE LACTIC ACID, SHE BURNS. But it feels so, so good to be working my body again. I really need to start taking my cleats with me to Grammar class and just going to the Parade Grounds after for some pick up games. Srsly.
Spent the evening with Amanda and Megan (my GHD, i.e. one of my bosses in Miller) sort of kind of watching The Holiday and talking about movies we will share and watch together and trade and such. Megan watched TCM almost as much as I did (if not more) in her own childhood, and she understands me. Pillow Talk and The Thin Man ARE NOT FOREIGN CONCEPTS TO HER. I am so excited. DORKINESS, ACTIVATE. 8D
Man. I feel really tired, and I need energy tomorrow, and Megan cooked me breakfast for dinner, so I'm probably going to go to bed instead of read for Brit Lit/study French vocab/do online French/read Much Ado About Nothing/read Biology chapters/study Coleridge for my quiz Tuesday/my Grammar homework/schedule my Biology tests. (That might be it.) Sunday is going to suck.
In other news; I dropped another half a grand (i.e. 65 dollars) at Walmart. They currently own 17.6% of my soul in cash form. BUT I GOT PAID TODAY so my Chase bank account is crying a little bit less at the raping it continues to receive from my impulsive purchasing habits.
Time for a shower, and then sleep. AND THEN GLORIOUS FOOTBALL. :D
just working on my fitness,
it's all about the benjamins,
long day,
my uterus is laughing at me,
geaux tigers,