Icons. Icons. IconsiconsiconsICONS.

Sep 10, 2009 03:22

Congratulate me, I now A) have a paid account and B) have deleted some icons! I know I've been complaining about both for ages so I finally caved. Mostly because I'm putting a halt to my spending in my Chase account effective like, now. I am not allowed to buy shirts until Thanksgiving. Yeah. Stupid Threadless sale. (Or 10 shirts I like pass me by. Which is really going to hurt. But I have to learn restraint.) Staying away from woot and shirt.woot and the like might be a helpful start for me.

The next few posts might just be GIPs, but they're all so pretty you won't mind. :D







That's awesome. I could get used to this.

Yeah, I shouldn't have stayed up until half past three picking out which icons I wanted, but... I don't care. I'll live.

I'm so happy. I'm such a dork. BUT I'M SO HAPPY.
ETA: I don't have a nu!Trek icon I'm happy enough with to take the valued 35th slot on my coveted icon list. Real estate is at a premium, and I get attached. I need a really good one. Hmmmmm.

addicting online shit, nocturnal, consumerism, icons, hooray hurrah huzzah, joy of joys

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