I'll Follow You Into The Dark never fails to make me happy. One because I love the song and two because now it brings back good memories from this summer singing it with Julie and Zach's sister (whose name I can never remember! gah) and Abby in Zach's living room while a bunch of us were just hanging out and the musicians in the group were jamming.
I'm in a good mood. It's possibly because I slept for roughly 12 hours today, played my ancient 007 James Bond game on my GameBoy Color, got to watch two episodes of SVU (JASP I KNORITE, WHAT A RARITY) and also watched the end of Cinderella Man. Which only reminds me of Daleks In Manhattan becaues of the Hooveville mentionings. I can't help it. I like Martha, okay. DON'T JUDGE ME I REALLY DO NOT LIKE THE STORY ARC OKAY I PROMISE.
Reba never fails to make me happy. I love people like her. That is what most Christians should be preaching, instead of hellfire and damnation.
Working the desk from 7 to 10 tonight was kind of an explosion of all hell breaking loose, but I don't really want to hash it all out so I won't and just say it's a shift I hope doesn't repeat itself all that often this semester.
Also discovered that there is going to be an SVU marathon on Tuesday (OF ALL THE FUCKING DAYS, COME ON USA, WORK WITH ME) so I've got that to look forward to.
I keep forgetting to play Charlie though, because I remember late at night. While that was not a problem previously (as with my door closed and my Dad usually gone, I wasn't disturbing anyone), the walls are fairly thin and I'm pretty sure my residents next door would not appreciate guitar strumming at 3:33am. *makes a wish*
O'Halloran is throwing fits of slowness and tomorrow/the next day are probably going to be lengthy, so I'll cut this one off short. G'night.