Kind of doesn't exist.
Let me esplain.
I'm sharing a room (briefly) with two of my fellow RAs in the dorm next door because our Hall is being renovated and worked on currently. We'll be moving in shortly, but for now, we're using one of Herget's suites.
There are three of us in the room. We are each lying on her own bed, snuggled up under covers and in pajamas. On her own laptop. Not talking.
To each other, at least. I suspect from the odd chimes and chirps that we're either texting or IMing people, listening to the way we're clicking at our keyboards.
I just find it amusing.
Finally get the opportunity to sleep in tomorrow, yay! Also plan on going to buy a box set of something with my 40% off coupon (that I still have to print... er... yeah, that) at Borders tomorrow before it runs out. We've got a little bit of training, and I need to go do inventory and room checks in preparation for my girls showing up soonish, but other than that I think I can actually enjoy my day. Hooray!
It thundered and rained today - music to my lifeguard ears, but bane of my straight-hair's existence. I seriously borrowed a bandana from a friend and wrapped my head and wore a hoodie around for the rest of the day to prevent humidity from making my hair grow like the magical Chia-pet from Beautician Hell.
On a completely unrelated note, WHY WOULD YOU EVER
MAKE ME CHOOSE, E(ntertainment)W(eekly). IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. I CAN'T DO IT.
ETA: I had to rely on a random number generator. I ended up going with Cote. And then John. I had it down to John and Jamie Bamber, and I decided since I don't actually watch BSG, that John won by default. (I have a feeling he wins a lot of competitions like this.)