Jun 27, 2009 03:47
Having a social life is going to kill me.
Worked today, crashed for roughly four hours (bad idea the first), decided to go see my working friends at Barnes & Noble (bad idea the second). Proceeded to agree to hang out providing I could go home and shower prior to hanging-out-age. End up going out after midnight to meet those peeps at the Randall's next door. Then we eat and sit down to a movie; Gran Torino (bad idea the third). Which wouldn't be bad except it's like two hours long and we don't start the thing until 1am.
So I've just gotten home, I've got work in 7 hours and then a brief respite before babysitting for another four hours and then maybe possibly a midnight movie. Because I haven't seen my best friend in over a week, and that's really just not acceptable.
I feel like I'm gonna die-- from trying to do so much. And it's super hard to cut back on hours at the J now that I'm head guarding. I took on this responsibility, I don't want to shirk it, but nor do I agree with working half to more than half days. The overtime pay is going to be such a sweet reward, but I don't know if the stress levels are worth it. I was in such a mood today, I was on the verge of swearing up a storm the moment I got home (and I'm still avoiding cursing within my mother's hearing, it just puts her in a bad mood).
Summer is supposed to be relaxing, but I'm as stressed as ever.
At least now I have friends I can bitch about it to. Oh, did I mention I'm still practicing guitar everyday? So, yeah, did I do that yet? Nope. Time to go play my two chords on Charlie (the name keeps sticking in my head) because I haven't seen Jules since I bought the thing. E minor and G major are my new BFF.
becoming a real guitar hero,
working hard or hardly working