May 04, 2009 22:05
Got up at ungodly early 7:30am to take my Fiction final. I really wish it had been later, my sentences were hopefully coherent and deep enough for an A. I'd have to had Fed that up so seriously to not get an A in that class. So that's done.
Came back, got breakfast, stomach was hurting so I decided to sleep it off a bit. Crashed until roughly noon, even though I got 7+ hours last night, I was out well before midnight. Halfheartedly got up, studied French some, ignored MAA (because the thought of it very seriously makes me want to just start crying) and then left to gather with my classmates at 3:30 for a review.
Ha da pretty good one with Angelique for roughly an hour, then grabbed some Chick-Fil-A with classmates prior to the exam. I did... okay. Hopefully well enough to keep my A, but negation and depuis v. pendant can go right to hell and die in a fire. To get a B, I basically had to show up, so that's a check. If the math is right, I only had to pass to get an A. I'd really love to do well on the final, though, considering I didn't do so hot on my second essay/composition/Redacion thing. I'm seriously going to miss Angelique; she's not even teaching here next semester. *pout*
Got back from the test at about 7:30, too late to start watching this EPIC EPISODE OF HOUSE THAT THE ENTIRE HUDDY COMMUNITY HAS BEEN FLAILING OVER SINCE LAST WEEK'S PROMO, plus Steph was already watching Dancing With the Stars. Which is admittedly good, but cor, I will not miss having to share my television during the summer.
Couldn't seem to find it in me to bring myself to study, so I watched Castle after Dancing With The Stars. OH YES. Do not want an old flame coming into Beckett's life! Want Castle in Beckett's life! AND SHE'S SUCH A FANGIRL EEEE I love it. LOOOOVE it. :D
Dear TV Gods,
Please to not be canceling Dollhouse or Castle. JUST GIVE ME 13 MOAR EPISODES PLZ PLZ PLZ
Your rabid fangirl,
Have an ungodly early 7:30am AGAIN tomorrow for Theatre, which won't take me long to study for tonight. AFTER HOUSE. Which I have downloaded now. (And then I am going to have to start thinking about MAA. This is when crying will commence.)
open letter(s),
got that houston pride,
daily grind,