Why I like Travian

Jan 22, 2009 15:27

Chatty crowd tonight.
As usual.
<@SupremeOne> Im busy playing the game! :)
<@SupremeOne> lol
<@Kallen> You lost the game.
<@Kallen> $%^&
<@Kallen> ]So did I
<@SupremeOne> dude, I try my best to win
You did NOT just do what I think you did
<@Kallen> Maybe.
dang it
not cool
<@Kallen> You lost also?
<@Kallen> :p
its bad enough my friends do that
<@Kallen> Hehe
Hey. Kallen.
do... what?
The game Kit, THE GAME.
<@Kallen> Hm?
<@Kallen> Kit you lost.
is it possible to lose when you weren't playign? :p
Everyone is playing.
It's impossible to not play.
<@Kallen> You're always playing the game.
<@Kallen> Wait...
<@Kallen> If you think about The Game, you lose The Game.
<@Kallen> When you lose, you must tell everyone near you.
<@Kallen> You can not stop playing The Game once informed of the rules. However, the game is to be sold, not to be told.
<@Kallen> When you hear someone lose the game, then you lose, hate the player.
<@Kallen> The only way to win The Game is to really, honestly, forget about The Game. This rarely happens so basically you win but will never know you win because as soon as you do, you lose.
<@Kallen> And yes, you just lost. So stop thinking about it if you want to win, or you're screwed.
<@Kallen> Now you're playing.
<@Kallen> :D
Fuck. I just lost the game like. Three times.
<@Kallen> Stop it Kit. You keep losing.
jeez i oughta just stay out of here.
<@Kallen> :o
<@Kallen> You don't know what The Game is?!?!?1
<@Kallen> :p
no clue.
* Kit sighs
* Kit goes back to raiding :S
Kit: http://www.losethegame.com/
<@Kallen> >.<
i havent thought about the game for months
i was winning for sooooo long
damnit i just lost
you're all douchebags
i hate you
i dun get it :(
i havent lost the game since Nov
it's an unwinnable game
<@Kallen> Lol
everytime you think about "the game" you have lost
are you refrencing TWEWY or somthing..
you must say out loud " i lost"
then you are freed from it for some time period
5 min?
what stops liars and scandles!
<@Kallen> You just have to reforget it after you remember >.>.
they just keep losing
ehh i think il stick to monopoly
its a game about the art of forgetting
Too late dude.
haha you cant choose to play
You've been inducted into The Game Society.
now you know about it
you lost
say it
i lost..
Yes. Yes you did.
lol i have been in the middle of theaters and heard people mutter "i lost"
then i hate them for reminding me
you say it around friends and they have this look like "what do you mean you lost?...fuck! i lost..."
My grace period is going to end and you're going to make me lose again.
why would we want to remind you that you are losing?
<@Kallen> >.<
<@Kallen> I lost.
Damnit. Me too. :(
* BurnsBright leaves to avoid losing more.
* BurnsBright (screamofm@Travian-E7D6BEE3.mc.at.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Don't think about the game. >.>)
that was hardly worthy of those eyes
* Kallen is now known as Kallen_dreaming
<@Kallen_dreaming> Ghay.
ghay dreams?
<@Kallen_dreaming> : /
<@Kallen_dreaming> >.<
eh, thats your prerogative i suppose.
<@Kallen_dreaming> That game will be >.>.
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