Thanks for your suggestions, but not quite what i had in mind...allow me to clarify

Nov 08, 2008 18:59

It needs to be only one number - I need one lyric for 7, one for 5, one for 4, one for 3, one for 2, one for 1.
Like so:

10 days, without you in my reach, and the only time I've touched you is in my sleep

9 in the afternoon, your eyes are the size of the moon

8 easy steps, a course of a lifetime you'll never forget

7 things I hate about you; you're vain, your games, you're insecure

6 o'clock already I was just in the middle of a dream, I was kissin' Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream

5 years from now, will you recognize my face in a crowd/ 5 was a shiver in the winter

4 for the times you've been faking, all rise

3 is a magic number, somewhere in that ancient mystic trinity, you'll get three/ 3 blind mice, three blind mice, they all ran after the farmer's wife.

2 weeks away, from reality, feel like a fly caught in honey.

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