And then ye shalt LAWL

Oct 15, 2008 12:29

I'm starting to panic, seriously.
It's not even the 'so-much-to-do' record, it's the 'so-much-to-do-too-unmotivated-to-do-it-and-what-i-have-done-is-so-subpar-i-may-as-well-not-have-bothered' record.
Damn you English, for only breifly touching on topics during the lectures and making all the darn essay questions undecipherable. And damn you further for not telling me what the word limit. Its too late to ask now.
Off topic, there seem to be library tours going on. I'm half-inclined to join them but as the groups are entirely made up of asians I think i might be spotted as a faker.
Back to english, what the hell kind of questions are these? "What is the state of fantasy today?" (Oh, I don't know, a little sallow I suppose, with a hint of political incorrectness?) and "How I grew up on fantasy" (Yeh, reading Emily Rhodda has really changed my life. Really).
I think I'm going to end up doing the analysis, and I hate analysis. "Write a postcolonial analysis of at least two texts". Yeh! i love postcolonialism! Yeh!
And I still can't figure out how to use Edius the Video Editing program. Although nothing could possibly save the horriffying interview I've already conducted. Why weren't we taught how to create the perfect angle BEFORE I filmed it? I'll have to do a better job with Sheznul.
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