first snow of the year

Oct 31, 2023 23:20

It snowed all morning, but it was warm, so while the grass was mostly white, it was melting at the same rate it was falling. After it quit, the wind kicked up. Later in the afternoon it started up again, but it was colder this time, so it stuck. It was really bad around 5:00. The roads were really slick, and traffic was backed up due to it being afternoon drive time. Of course I had to go out then. It took me forever.

It quit around the time I got home. I checked the depth in the grass, and though it was hard to tell, but I think we got over two inches. Tomorrow it will be above freezing for most of the day, so it should all melt.

There was a meme going around last week about how there's always snow on Halloween, and never any on Christmas. I forget if that was about the Midwest in general, or Wisconsin.


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