Today has been a great day so far! Excuse my writing skills, as I have none! I woke up, got ready for the day out, but only had time for 2 cups of coffee, which some of you know doesn't even start to help me. Despite that, I hopped on the HellHound (the loving cuddly name for my Ducati 944SP).
She started easily, warmed her up and made the sprint over to Santa Cruz to join up with the
Community Seed "Energy Hike"It was nice and overcast, a little moisture on the roads and my helmet, but not too bad for spring at 9am! Stopped into Cafe Pergolesi for another quick coffee and see if I can figure out where it is that I left my hands, cause I couldn't feel them! I gotta get better at choosing gloves for the ride! Good news, they were right where I had left them, at the ends of my arms! 5 min later back riding the short distance to "Pogonip" for the hike. Met up with the lovely people there also for the hike. We had a quick meet & greet, etc and then off for a nice quite hike. After an hour, maybe? we stopped for another circle with talking and sharing of snack, next time I must bring some! Then we hiked back and all went our separate ways. I went to one of my favorite places, the cliffs at the end of 41st Ave. There I ate the burrito that I had forgotten earlier, watched the surfers and thought alot about the great times my Dad and I used to have surfing there and all the issues and problems this life has recently brought him! (Sounds bad, but being there was mostly good!) Back on the bike was feeling really good, even with the idiot drivers and excessive use of stop signs and stoplights! Stopped in at Perg again and had one of there amazing Chai Lattes, worthy stop, more caffine! On the road again, I decided to stop by a friends house and see if he was in, which he wasn't, but the ride was so worth it. Straight, well not really, but you get the idea, up Hwy 1 to Felton, I was really starting to get my old sea legs back and was just flicking through the curves with ease! I really lucked out and made it about 60% of the way with noone in front of me. I was doing a good clip, way over the speed limit, slightly less than my skill level and way slower than the bikes ability!! The ride the rest of the way home was really nice, well except that pitiful excuse for a helmet that I have, but its soon to be replaced! I realized that most of the comfort pad had deterriated with time and my forehead has been battered with the hard styrofoam crash pad! But enough bad, Its been a great day over all!
Edit: And after I got home and posted the above, I also worked on my truck. Mostly finished the lift project, still a few finishing touches left, but more than drivable!