Apr 09, 2005 14:57
who the hell is this, she hasn't posted in for-ev-er...anyway the reason that i haven't is because i don't really talk to anyone on here. i see that kat posted so i have decided to post back. what has Rachel been up too: well...i have been working at mervyn's since November, i'm still with Zeb almost been a year now we will be getting married sometime in the near future, i'm 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant, and i will be moving to maryland at the end of june!!! zeb got orders. anyway back to the baby...much to my surprise we are having a baby!!! this is the definition of a mirical baby. Zeb was told that if he were to take fertility medicine he would still have a slim to no chance at all of having a baby and i have had a couple miscarriages. so we could not believe it! to tell you the truth i didn't get excited until i heard the baby's heartbeat which was three weeks ago! i told my family after i heard the heartbeat and just to surprise me again they are all happy for me. zeb's family thought they were not going to get grandchildren out of him so they are super excited. so we are all happy. zeb and i are hoping for a boy.