I want my life...

Oct 11, 2005 21:56

This week needs to be over...

I love being here rather than PSU Erie, but it's starting to get to me. I miss Katie and Rob who used to be just a 30 min ride away. Mostly I miss David. He'll be home in almost 2 weeks, which I just realized and it makes me happy. I want the time to go faster. I don't want him to get hurt over there...

I can't take any more diva attitude from people. It drives me out of my mind. If I hear one more person tell me how good they are at this or that, I may very well scream. I'm glad they are good, just don't tell me. Be good to yourself...haha!

Tomorrow night I'm gonna do all of my music lit crap...tonight I'm going out for a little bit. I need to unwind after today...I started crying in Cantus for no real reason. I miss David, theory sucked this morning, piano test on Thurs, music lit sucks A LOT, and my theme for the day was "shoot me in the face."
Yeah...glad it's over...at least I survived. Just 2 more days...then I'll be home for the Steelers game, Julia's b-day, Saturday night worship service (I miss my violin!!) and good food. Yesssssssss!

"And when I wake up you'll be here
and it will be the way it was,
the way it was..."
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