Jan 09, 2008 20:45
*sings* Well I heard that it might be raining/bedsheets and lovers words/let's throw out the hotel comforter/and hang the do not disturb/sign me up for the storm/I'll wear my suit for the shower/'cause I'll have you to keep me warm in the coldest hour
Yeah, kinda random, whatever. Points to whoever names the song, without google, of course.
Today was, on the whole, disappointing. I started out with the best intentions but life thawarted me. Sigh.
I decided not to go to kayaking because it was all cloudy and overcast and ew. Also, I had the flemme. (it's a french expression), but then, out of spite I think, it became beautiful and sunny and warm. Of course by this time it was too late.
So then my american friend Carolyn and I had plans to hang out at her apartment today and have a movie/junk food party. Since I wasn't going to kayaking I went into town when my host brother went for guitar. I climbed the stairs but she wasn't there. I waited, but she didn't turn up. After like 20 minutes her across the hall neighbor came home and kindly let me hang out with him and watch TV until my host mom came back for my brother. All was not lost, thanks to him, but it was still really frustrating. Hopefully I'll see her tomorrow.
I came home and pouted for awhile, and made some micowave popcorn, but it only half popped, which soured my mood further. So I sulked and read and now I feel better, but regrtful over the waste of my day.
Tomorrow doesn't have much promise either, due in large part to a giant history test of DOOM that lurks at the end of the day, but you never know, right? After all, Thursdays are good luck.