Dec 30, 2003 17:51
OMG! ya know what really sucks? when some stupid old hag is getting all the credit for something you and ur friend have worked on! grrrr.... it pisses me off cuz we made the posters we made a 3 flyers and 30 copies of the flyers but enough of me complaining! I'm happy that Jessica is going to choreograph a dance for all the littles ones to preform i wanna be in the dance!!!!! I had a good day besides the whole not getting credit for something I'm doing and she isn't but i watched Harry Potter 2 ( I'm sucha Dork-cus) i love sexy evil little boy wizards! * cough* Draco Malfoy/ Tom Felton *cough* and then I watched Blue Crush... no sexy evil little boy wizards :(...... then I watched the Rich Girls marathon.. tonight is the season finale 10:30..I can't wait until the new Degrassi!!!!! new and exciting couples!!!!!! ya know what Degrassi needs someone with a british accent and that person should get it off with Craig.. damn I'm good..
~*~ Love ya ~*~