God's Will

Jun 07, 2003 13:34

I have been meaning to write... Over the last few months I have felt this desire to become the new children's pastor at our church (the current one is moving). At first I just passed the thought off to just wanting a job and it being better then driving to Newport all the time. I told Jeff and he said "you don't want to do that..." So I didn't think about it. Last week (the end of May) I felt this strong desire and voice telling me that I should seriously consider becoming the children's pastor. I again told Jeff what I had been feeling and he said "it is just gas!" I replied with, I am serious... He said "if you really feel this is where God is calling you then lets pray about it and I will support you no matter what you do." At that moment I prayed in my heart that God would make it clear where He wants me and that night at church I talked to the children's pastor and she told me to talk to pastor as soon as possible. When I found pastor I told him that I needed to talk to him for a moment and he said ok... I told him what I had been feeling and he said "Hum, really?! This is going to be more then a moment conversation, do you work?" I said yes and go to school. He then told me that he was going to work out something so that I could meet with him the following week, and to call the office to make an appointment. The next day (Friday May 30th) I called the office and scheduled an appointment for June 3 at 2pm. All the time praying that if it is God's will the doors will open...
As I drove to the appointment I prayed that God would give me a peaceful spirit and the words to answer the questions and that the doors would open and if this wasn't where I am supposed to be headed that I would feel a peace. Pastor asked me a lot of questions one important one he asked was whether I saw my calling as just a job or was my calling to start there and if it was God's will to become an ordained pastor which one I saw as my calling. I told him that I would do what ever God wanted me to do even if that meant going though more school. I then was asked to bring in a resume and my spiritual journey so that interviews could be set up. I don't know how many people are applying and I don't know where God will lead me. Please keep me in your prayers and pray that if it is God's will doors will open and if not I will feel a peace. Thanks... (More to come when I know more)
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