Jan 30, 2006 21:12
everything bolded i totally agree with ashley...
Its the things you never think about..
Highschool has changed so many people, why is that? Its these four years, you learn to realize to seperate your good friends from your best friends,and good friends from friends. You learn that your best friend will betray you, and people do lie. You learn that drinking and partying is what you have to do to be popular and cool<---sadly enough, its true, but ya know i dont want to be "cool"<---stef. You learn the person you call every night crying, is probably the one telling everyone, you learn tears are useless, and a simple joke, turns into a huge rumor. You learn going to the movies and the mall isn't that cool, and your apple juice soon turns into a beer. You learn, sometimes the world is evil, and you can't trust anyone. You learn what a heartbreak is, and just how much you can take before breaking down. You learn having alot of friends isn't as imporent as having 1 good one, you learn that you hurt people as well as they hurt you. You learn having a boyfriend isn't everything, and to be a friend to everyone as you need a friend too. You learn that good times come, as well as bad. The nice guy will be chossen last. Thats why i say, take the chance, tell the truth, date someone totally wrong for you, laugh too hard, be random, meet someone random, fall inlove, be your very best, be the one who everyone knows you as the "one who smiles all the time",tell crazy stories, be an outcast, put your nose up to bullies, take too many pictures, were crazy clothes, tell someone you love them, tell someone they're missing out, laugh till you can't breathe,spend all your money, tell the truth, and last but not least live life.
who cares about your high school rep. or what you have to do to be with the "cool" kids, just be unique, have fun, leave the negitivty behind you, be nice, smile, cry, play, live with no regrets. No matter where life takes you, just remember, if your standing there alone, smile because you did it on your own.