If one of us dies, we stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly.

Feb 18, 2011 13:23

Hi! February has been surprisingly great! There have been shenanigans with jess_darkwater and hotel rooms (because it's us and there's always a hotel room involved), MCR, Sleigh Bells, my dad's gone to India for two weeks and now I have a job! It's only admin work and isn't a permanent position, but money! \o/ And I'm seeing Jo tomorrow so that she can feed me cupcakes and possibly subject me to a Band of Brothers marathon. I like the show but I'm not sure I can watch all of it in one sitting.

Because I have nothing better to do:

Leave a ONE WORD comment that you think best describes me. It can only be one word. No more than one word. Then copy & paste this post to your own journal (if you want to!) so I can leave a word about you.

Oh, and I'm sure everyone who's even vaguely connected to bandom has seen this, but still. VOTE FOR EMPIRES SO THAT THEY CAN FINALLY COME TO THE UK. ...And because this is a fantastic opportunity for them, of course. :D?
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