May 14, 2008 20:26
I just read the Host, it was really good:D
and if you read the Twilight's over and over and over again like me, you can
really see the resemblance.
The heroine in The Host in Wanda who is a "soul" put into Melanie's body. There was a war between the humans and the "souls" and the soul aliens won. They took over the body's, everything's peaceful and all the Hosts of the body's think that there are no real humans alive.
In truth, te hosts controll the body and what is assumed to happen is that Melanie would fade away or the person previously living in the body, but Melanie doesn't.
So then, Wanda finally decides to find the persons Melanie loves and cares for Jared, and Jamie.
They find the people, everyone hates them for a while, and then things get soft and relaxed.
BUT the connection is that WANDA will do anything for the Humans. She wants to be Human so bad. Their her family, her life, her happiness. She even begins to find a love....
Just like in Twilight, Bella would do anything, she will sacrifice her life, as Wanda tried to do, she will stop at nothing to protect her family, as would Wanda.
ALSO, in Twilight, Bella is not really social and neither is Wanda. She can only "connect" to the real humans and for Bella its the other way around. She can only "connect" with Edward, the vampire. So, both kinda freaks jkjk.
That tells you a lot about Stephanie's style of writing.
Her characters are different, their outcasts, and their REALLY compasionate for the people close to them.
THis is pretty much her Second Novel from a different person other than Bella and Jacob(end of Eclipse) and story.
SO what i say is GO READ THE HOST.
Stephanie's writing is something that some ppl can get close to copying or mimiking, but one thing's for sure Stephanie Meyer's style of writing is very different and distinct.