The Start ... in Sydney ...

Sep 20, 2013 12:59

I don’t know what it is about Airports but I hate them. It doesn’t matter if I am seeing someone off, jetting off somewhere off or flying back home. I hate, hate, hate that part. They made me feel sad and I end up feeling like a moron. Last night was no difference. I mean, it’s stupid. I am jetting off to this amazing holiday and here I was feeling very very upset. That said, I think I would feel different if I was travelling with someone. Every time I make these grand trips, I am meeting someone at my destination but the first leg of the trip is always solo. Next time I go away? I am travelling WITH someone from the get go because I hate that feeling.

Despite all of this? The flight to Sydney was uneventful which is what you want in a flight, really. I have flown on a few airlines over the last few years and I have to admit that I really do like Qantas. The seats are comfortable, the service is great (as far as I have experienced so far) and I feel safe. That is a really important aspect if you ask me.

On the flight I was watching what was on the TV, an episode of Getaway which involved a haunted hotel. It reminded me of Lisa and her obsession with ghosts and the paranormal at the moment.

What I hadn’t thought about and I wished I had was the fact that my ears tend to react really badly to plane travel. They always have. Last night was no different. As soon as we started making our descent it felt like someone was trying to stab me in the ear for the next 15-20 minutes. Not fun. In fact, almost unbearable. I was glad when we landed. Of course I was almost deaf when we landed. I hope I didn’t yell at anyone by accident LOL

Once I got off my flight, I collected my luggage and then had to make the trek to the International Airport so that I could check in to my Hotel. I was staying at the Rydges. This hotel is literally right across the road from the International Airport which is great. The Train system is easy enough to work and eventually I found myself standing in line around some other people trying to check in at the hotel.

It wasn’t a great night for the hotel staff. I witnessed numerous people coming back down to the front desks to complain that their keycard wouldn’t work and they couldn’t get into their room. At almost midnight, you can imagine the guests weren’t happy when it was almost the 4th time they had tried to access their room and still couldn’t get in. When the guy set up my keycard he told me to come with me because he wanted to make sure that it worked. I thought that was a great idea because if I had to come back down with all my luggage with the key not working? I would have been cranky too.

Fortunately my keycard worked, he showed me into my room and I had no intention of leaving the room until check out time the next morning. I had a headache and my ears were still badly blocked and I was tired. My wisdom teeth have been giving me hell and the nerves of the trip and the teeth had made it impossible to get any real sleep. I was absolutely knackered. I showered, hoping that would help, curled up in bed and watched Swordfish (or the end of it) and Craig Ferguson before I gave up and went to sleep.

Now comes the wait time. I don’t fly out to Hawaii until tonight. Now that I have already started the first leg of this long trip I am just eager to get on that damn plane and get it over and done with. I have a long trip ahead of me and at the moment I kinda just feel like I’m stalled. The trip really doesn’t start until I land in Hawaii.

qantas, sydney, travel

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