Title: Lovely trouble (ch.2)
Author : harumakota & a friend named bobo
Fandom: Hey! Say! JUMP
Pairings: Takabu
Rating: M
Genre: romance; smut; humor (I think)
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of them sadly, but if i did then it would totally be yabu!! cheyya
The next day (6 pm)
Hey Say Jump just finished their 6th show of summary and they were all heading back to the hotel. Ryosuke and Yuto were in their own world talking about their next date to some ero land, Daiki and Chinen were listening to their iPods, Keito and Ryutaro were just staring at each other while creeping out others and Hikaru and Inoo well you don’t want to know what they were doing but for the hell of it, they were… groping and seducing each other dun, dun, dunnnnn; and making some what of a noise. Yabu and Takaki were just trying to wonder what type of guys Hikaru and Inoo are, their conclusion: INOO=UKE and HIKARU=SEME. All of a sudden both takaki and yabu heard a strange noise, it was them, and they reached their climax.
“Oh, what a disturbing world this is. Just in case they do something very wrong in their rooms I’ll get them to come over to our room instead, is that okay takaki?” asked yabu, not noticing the pink flush on takaki. He was thinking of some fun ways to get him in that same position. A couple of hours of thinking about yabu with his shirt off later they made it their room. Everyone was quite packed in their room, since there are 10 adolescents in a 2 bedroom suite. Yabu then decided to get some drinks for them and left the room.
“So when are going to ask him out?” asked Chinen.
“Ask who what?” said Takaki confusedly,
“Ask Yabu out, to be your boyfriend!” said Chinen, annoyed by his stupidity. Everyone from Hey Say Jump was now looking this way and it seemed like everyone knew of his affection towards Yabu.
“You know, we aren’t that stupid. We all can feel your gaze on Yabu all the time. It some what annoys us that you still haven’t talked to him about it?” Said Hikaru(au: most smexy man alive!!!).
“Who would’ve thought that you all knew? Yet you guys didn’t tell me that I was that obvious!!! Why is that you knew about it and Yabu didn’t know? Also to answer your question he has a boyfriend if you haven’t noticed!!!” Takaki exclaimed.
“But from what I have heard from the jimusho is that Shoon has been cheating on him with someone.” Daiki said very randomly.
“Are you sure you are not lying to me Daiki, because I can become a very scary person if you lie to me about my precious Yabu.” Said Takaki in a scary manner.
“No I’m not!!!! Help me Chinen, Takaki is bullying me!!” yelled Daiki as he ran over to Chinen.
“Well why don’t you go and see for yourself.” Said Yuto calmly.
“That’s not a bad idea, not a bad idea at all. To make this even more interesting I can bring Yabu with me to see how his beloved Shoon-kun is cheating with another man. Muhahahhahahah” Said Takaki.
“Man????” asked Takaki.
“Man.” said Ryosuke
“oh just making sure, MAN!!!” yelled Takaki. Just then Yabu entered the room.
“Man?” asked Yabu confusedly wondering what in the world were his friends talking about.
“Ah, Yabu just the person I wanted to talk with. How about going with me to the movies on Friday since we have a day off?” asked Takaki hoping that Yabu would say yes.
“Sure why not, Shoon said he doesn’t have a day off.” Said Yabu
“Don’t all the juniors have a day off on Friday?” Ryutaro whispered to Inoo, who just poked him in the ribs to shut him up. Takaki felt like doing the happy dance because Yabu actually said yes.
“Alright meet me at the front of the theatre” said Takaki.