I had an allergy attack on Tuesday and was forced to leave work early. Boo.
This is the most severe reaction I've ever had; I almost passed out a couple times, and spent a good deal of it hyperventilating. Some hives popped up, but mostly I couldn't breath.
This is irritating.
However, this is informative on my allergies:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7hRXmRnH8A Kind of a bummer.
In general, I'm having problems with raw fruit, and maybe veggies. I'm allergic to the most healthy form of food, how fucking lame is that? My understanding is that when allergy season is over, come Fall, I'll be okay.
I'm afraid to eat the mangos in my fridge.
This has been a bizarre week, for sure. Also, I met the original bassist from Styx. Definitely heavily medicated since he was slurring/mumbling everything, but a nice guy none the less. I guess Tommy Shaw is my co-worker's "uncle", and they're all pretty friendly with my dude. hahahaha!