If Someone Said Three Years From Now....

May 27, 2006 21:18

Summer is definately a big yay.
I've pretty much been off of a school for a week and one day.
Didn't have to take any of my exams which is a big YAY.
I've pretty much just been home hanging out ont he computer and talking to people.
on Thursday I went over to my friend Rachel's house and hung out there and went to the mall and stuff.
Friday I didn't really do anything.
My friend Nicole came over and spent the night.
I got online and talked to Candy for a bit before I went to bed. 
I was dead tired last night.
Today Nicole was still here and we played some volleyball and then she left and I took a shower and stuff :].
I took a nap around 4ish and I'm just now waking up and it's almost 9:30.
I dont really have anything planned for the next like three days.
Candy's off from work so I'll probably be home talking to her on the comp. or the phone yay.
Im going to go and try to see the X-Men 3 movie sometime this week so if anyone wants to go with me let me know.
If not I'll just end up renting it and watching it like I do every other movie I don't see in theaters.
That's pretty much my summer vaca.
I don't have anything really huge planned.
Hopefully Candy is still coming over this summer and that's pretty much the biggest thing going on actually :].

when someone said count your blessings now
for they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
but they knew better
still you said forever
and ever
who knew?
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