When August Comes I'll Still Be Singing

May 16, 2006 20:56

holding on to your grudge
oh it hurts to be honest with the
one that you lost
we're concentrating on falling apart.

So. There isn't really anything new going on.
No new love
or crushes
well there might be a new crush.
Im sort of confused on that part
but whatever.

Friday is my party.
There are only certain people
that I know that I've talked to that are def. coming
but if any of you wants to come that I don't hand an invitation to
then im sorry you can't come NO I'm just kidding. Just let me know
and I'll see what I can do. 
At the moment it's basically, me, sam, nicole, and jackie that are going to be hanging around the house, eating food, talking, and watching movies. 
Jackie wants to go run around the neighborhood so we might want to do that.
Anyone can come guys/girls.
Doesnt mean you'll be spending the night
once you see my room you'll know why lol.

This summer.
I don't know what I'm doing.
Candy is going to be here from the 5th-19th.
So I'll be busy with her.
Cant wait :]
anyone want to hang out this summer with me?
If not I'll be home sitting at the computer
doing NOTHING.

I lie for only you
keep the blood in your head
keep your feet on the ground

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