The Quiet one, the loud ones, and the weird ones, put them all together and you have my friends

Mar 10, 2006 03:42

I had the best freakin night ever at the mall today!

Okay so last weekend, on Sunday, with my friend Kelly I met these guys, Kaycee and James, well I saw them again tonight when I went with Jackie, and my friend Katie was there and I was like YES! We had the best time. James has like the hardest ass in the world and he told me to poke it and I did, like. It was cool but eww at the same time, it was so weird and he can make his head vibrate that was so cool. I really want to call him jason, but his name is James, so if I mention a Jason it's really James.

It was just fun. Like my friend Jackie is really quiet but she had fun too, she likes my friends. Oh and then there was Keith he was there, that was def. a fun fun time lol.  My ex socio de espanol dos. For those of you non spanish taking spanish speaking, have no idea what im saying. My ex partner from spanish 2. Yeah. Gotta <3 him.

Um, then there was this other guy I don't remember his name, but he didn't remember mine so it doesn't matter, yeah he made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to die.

And then this stoner kid started talking to us. And it was like really really realy really really weird. I was like O.o okay.  And I guess the guy that was making me laugh made him mad cuz he walked away and threw something but it missed and it was like well you're cool now buddy. He was kind of freaky.

Yeah my glasses, have Keith's spit on them mixed with mountain dew. Yeah, several people wore my glasses today. Today was def. fun now I'm talking to the L.O.V.E.  of my life right now CandyBabe, thats her nickname by the way. Yeah. =]

gonna go now buh-bye 
ilu all
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