Entry originally written at
http://www.lovinglyworn.net. Comment here or comment there!
Swiped from Ronni!
- Egg nog or hot chocolate?
Egg nog!! I drink hot chocolate all year long.
- Does Santa wrap your presents or leave them naked under the tree?
They are always nicely wrapped. I don’t know how he does it.
- Do you hang mistletoe?
Nope. - When do you put up your decorations?
Our lights are already pretty much up. All that’s left is putting up the tree. We have to find a good place for it first!
- Favorite holiday memory as a child?
Going to Grandma’s house. She always had egg nog and Hersheys Miniatures.
- When did you learn the truth about Santa?
Depends on what you think the “truth” is!!
- How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Lights, ornaments, topper…we need to get more tree decorations!
- Snow: love it or hate it?
I love it as long as I’m not attempting to drive in it.
- Can you ice skate?
Never tried to ice skate! I’m sure it would be pretty amusing.
- What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Being able to spend it with my family. I’m so grateful that they live close by.
- What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Pumpkin pie!
- What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas”! - What tops your tree?
A light-up star.
- Which do you REALLY prefer: giving or receiving?
I think they both are fab. - Candy canes: yummy or yucky?
Ehh…I don’t mind putting one in my hot chocolate and letting it melt, but I don’t typically eat them alone.
- Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Oh, I’m sure my husband would say I’ve been naughty and nice. I’d like to pretend that I’ve just been nice!
- Do you believe in Father Christmas?
Yep. - Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
No, not really. I have ideas swirling around in my head, but that’s about it.
- Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?
Oh gosh, no! I’m not even close.
- What do you look forward to most at Christmas?
This year, I’m looking forward to time off of work. I love my job, don’t get me wrong, but being pregnant makes me soooo much more exhausted than usual and I could really use another break already! Of course, I’m looking forward to our typical Christmas activities of snuggling, giving and opening presents, and seeing our families. OH! I’m also reallllly hoping my mother in law makes cinnamon rolls! Been craving them something awful.
- What are you doing for Christmas this year?
Cuddling with my husband in front of our now-functional gas fireplace, giving and opening presents, having some hot chocolate and egg nog (separately, of course!), spending time with our families.
- Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?
We don’t put up mistletoe, but I’d pick Shadow up and give him a smooch on his head! Of course, kissing the hubby would be nice, too
- Do you take part in a secret santa?
No…I’m weird about Secret Santa activities. I’d be afraid that someone who didn’t know me and/or didn’t like me would get my name and then they would have to spend their own money buying me stuff. Maybe when I’ve been at my job a few more years I’ll feel okay with it!
- Do you go to any Christmas parties?
Other than our work one that we have during the work day, no.
- Have you ever had a white Christmas?
I grew up in Washington!
- How early do you wake up on Christmas morning?
It changes from year to year. I usually wake up around 6 but no one else is willing to get up that early, so I go back to bed!
- Do you still get a stocking?
I have one! My mother in law decorated it for me. We need to get Lily’s for next year!!
- How many Christmas cards do you normally send out?
Depends on the year. This will only be our third Christmas living together, and I’m anticipating that we’ll be sending out a bit more. Next year will be crazy since we’ll have family pictures by that time.
- What is your Christmas wish?
That Lily will continue to grow and get stronger so she can join our family in April.