Marriage Survey

Jun 07, 2008 11:20

For the Married

How long have you been married? 2 years and 10 months.

Is this your first marriage? Yep.

Is it how you imagined it would be? I had no expectations. I’m happy!

What would you change? We would be parents by now, or at least a few months down the pregnancy line.

Are you married to your soulmate? I’m not sure I believe in “soulmates”

What do you argue about the most? His habits that annoy me.

What do you see eye to eye on the most? Not sure…we agree on most things.

Where did you meet your spouse? At work.

Where was your first date? At a local fish house.

Where were you when you became engaged? At his apartment.

Did you live together before marriage? Yes - for three months.

What was your wedding song? “My Girl” by the Temptations

Who was in your wedding party? Suzanne, Helen, Steph, Geoff, Ryan, Chris

Do you get along with the in-laws? Most definitely.

Whats your view on children? I want one, possibly two.

Does your spouse feel the same way? He wants three, possibly two.

Are you a 2 peas in a pod or an opposites attract couple? We hop in and out of the pod.

Do you go out without your spouse? Not really.

How long are you away from your spouse before you start to miss him/her? Depends on how far away I’m going.

Have you ever compared your spouse to someone you have dated in the past? Yes, in a good way.

Do you trust your spouse? Yes.

Does your spouse trust you? Yes.

How well do you know your spouse’s favorites? Pretty well.

How well does your spouse know your favorites? He’s pretty knowledgeable.

Do you get along with your spouse’s friends? Yes.

Does your spouse get along with your friends? I think so.

Did you go on a honeymoon? Yes - the Poconos

Do you watch the same TV shows? Most of them, yes.

Can you agree on Pizza toppings? 1/2 pepperoni and 1/2 pepperoni + pineapple (for him)

Who takes out the trash? He does

Who does laundry? I do

Who cooks dinner? I do

Who is the first one to wake up in the morning? I am

Do you have any traditions? Not really. I’m sure they will develop over time.

Is there anyone in your spouses family that you can’t stand? YES

Anyone in your spouses family you adore? Most definitely

Do you know your spouses passwords/pins? I know a few of them. He doesn’t keep ‘em secret.

Does your spouse know your social security number? He knows most of it. Maybe all of it.

Do you ever nag your spouse? He says I do!

Do you admit wrong doing? Ehh…I’m working on that.

Does your spouse? Not immediately, no. Eventually he pretty much always does.

How would you grade your sex life? We are content.

When is the last time you or your spouse bought each other flowers? Valentine’s Day!


Originally published at lovinglyWORN. You can comment here or there.

bloggyness, survey-ness

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