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there! Now playing:
ABBA - Mamma Mia
FoxyTunes I’ll admit - I’m a little nervous about returning to work tomorrow. I plan on trying to make it through the entire week without getting all emotional and needing to go home to cry. I never know how I’m going to feel from hour to hour, it seems, so I do my best just to take things one minute at a time. There are plenty of times that I worry that I’m going to start crying, then somehow I manage to keep from crying. Then there are other times that I think I’m doing fine and then before I know it, my eyes are filled with tears and I need to find a way to get away. I can’t really answer the question “How are you?” yet, because…well, I guess I don’t really know how I am doing right now. I guess at this point, every day is a challenge that I must take on.
I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m hangin’ in there.